* Medicina Estética (BOTOX, Rellenos, Arrugas, Acne, Celulitis, Enf. de la piel, etc)
* Nutrición (pierde peso & talla)
* General Medicine (Children, Adults, Geriatric)
Rejuvenation without surgery, through your own blood...
This technique allows injecting Plasmatic & Epidermal Growth Factors that stimulate the formation of collagen, elastine & hyaluronic acid to improve the skin tonicity, and subtances that revitalize and hydrate to recover the condition and youth of your face.
* Reducción / Reduction
* Tonificación / Toning
* Tratamiento contra la Celulitis / Cellulite Treatment
1 sesión (session) $350 pesos / 5 sesiones (sessions) $1,400 pesos
* Masaje Reductivo y de Moldeo Corporal / Reductive Massage and Body Molding: El Masaje reductivo ayuda y previene flacidez, reduce celulitis estimulando el sistema linfático y mejorando la circulación sanguínea, tonifica y da forma al cuerpo de manera natural / The reductive massage and help prevent sagging, reduce cellulite by stimulating the lymphatic system and improving blood circulation, tones and shapes the body naturally
Precio por sesión y área / Price per session and specific area: $300 pesos (45 min)
Precio por sesión y cuerpo completo / Price per session and full body: $550 pesos (60 min)
Combining the benefits of light with vacuum subdermal massage & carboxitherapy, the Lumicell Touch is able to trigger a regenerative process resulting in firmer and smoother-looking skin; it is the complete cellulite treatment
LumiFacial treatment uses a blend of wavelengths and different colored lights to correct skin conditions such as: (Acne, Brown age spot, Redness, Photo-damaged skin)